I've wanted to do a shot like this for a long time. The noise reduction feature on my camera takes about as long as the exposure goes, so this one shot took quite a while. 15 minute exposure + 15 minutes noise reduction = 30 minute image! But it was informative. I'll do this again with something else in the frame to give the image more interest. A tree, a building, a mountain lake... but for now I've gotten my feet wet with this type of shot. 15 minutes f/8 iso 400
I love experiments! Where'd you shoot this? What's all the light on the horizon? And, what're the purple spots in the top left?
ReplyDeleteCheck out this info - there're some good ideas available.
Very interesting shot - Might try something like this in the summer!
ReplyDeleteCool! Definitely a long exposure, but neat impact!
ReplyDeleteThank you all. This was shot in my backyard. The peak of my roof was at the bottom but I cropped it out. I think the yellow glow is from the lights of town. I have no idea what made the purple spots at top left. This was much brighter than this right off the camera. I used photoshop to darken it and I cooled the color temp a bit too. However, the different colors on the stars were quite apparent even before I did any editing :)
ReplyDeleteAWESOME!!!! 15 min...not sure my pentax does a 15 min exposure unless I have BULB pushed and that would be a long time to hold the button ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I need to be on BULB and then use the remote. One click to open the shutter, then come back 15 min later and click again to close it.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! That's beautiful. I thought of doing something similar when I was taking photos of the snow a few weeks ago. May well gie it a go.
ReplyDeleteWow...this is so great! It inspires many ideas. :) Well done.