Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26th - Cell phone setup

Cell Phone SetupLance saved me today - In comments from yesterday's photo, he said he wanted to see the setup for it, and I was out of ideas and out of time tonight. (look at the time stamp for today's photo!) So here it is, down and dirty. 3 strobes, one at top thru modified softbox, two at back with blue gel and red gel throwing color on the wall. Camera was mounted just out of frame at left, and that's a one-way bronze mirror the cell phone is resting on. (but you've seen that before)
1/3rd sec. F/8 iso 200


  1. Nothing like a little ingenuity - love it

  2. Cool - always like to see set up shots, also nice to your strobes have elastic bands too!!

  3. Way out of my league, but I love looking at the technical aspects of your photo shoots!

  4. I'm fascinated by what you have been doing. I take snapshots - you take photographs!

  5. This is very true youare in a different league to some of us Mr D.
